Join other Dupont Circle Villagers on a private tour of the Decatur House on Lafayette Square, given by the Historian of the White House Historical Association.
Completed in 1818, the Decatur House was the third building on Lafayette Square and its first private residence. It was designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe, the architect of the Capitol and several other famous buildings, for Commodore Stephen Decatur (1779-1820) and his wife, Susan Wheeler Decatur.
Decatur House has been home to foreign and American dignitaries, secretaries of state, members of Congress, and a vice president, in addition to numerous free and enslaved servants who played a pivotal role in shaping America. The tour will cover the nearly 200-year history of Decatur House and its Slave Quarters, the only existing slave quarters within sight of the White House.
The tour will last about an hour, with an optional lunch afterwards at a location to be determined.
Plan to meet at 10:50 AM at 1610 H Street, NW, on the corner of Lafayette Square.
15 guests are invited.